Learning solidarity is doing solidarity


Ao final da disciplina o aluno deverá ser capaz de compreender mais sobre intervenções transformadoras e a (auto) educação, principalmente a partir da solidariedade na ciência.


Conteúdos Programáticos

The complicity between theorizing learning in formal educative practices and the dominant societal order derives from educative theory’s blind compliance to deliver tech-knowledge only on the “how” of learning and does not question the dominant arrangements of the educative practices. Thus, the whole dialectic between practice and theory is reduced to the simple sequence: first practice, then theory. This “principle of simplification” relies on and promotes a technocratic self-(mis)understanding of the social sciences as being servants of the dominant status quo. If we want to do away with this complicity, we have to rethink both educative practices and learning theories, so as to restore the dialectical unit of practice/theory.

A starting point is to reclaim the autonomy of learning – as a particular practice of the learning subject – before and beyond it is thought to be the mere effect of the educator’s practices. Reclaiming the autonomy of learning refers not only to the process (the “how”) but also to the content (the “what” and the “why”) of learning. This will be discussed with reference to participation in social practices, in real-experimental initiatives (German: Real-Experiment; W.F. Haug). Social movement learning conceives learning not only as a “loop” in carrying out the (proper) action. The difficulties in social movement learning begin as soon as the subjects are trying to discern relevant learning dimensions in/for their ongoing action! These activist initiatives consist of two moves: transformative interventions and (self-)education. Learning solidarity presupposes and enhances the doing (application, organization) of solidarity and vice versa.



Dia Horário Conteúdo  Professor
26/03/2024 14h


Learning solidarity is doing solidarity

Athanasius Marvakis


Informações Gerais

Professor Responsável

Lívia Gomes dos Santos

Professor Participante

Athanasius Marvakis

Carga horária 4h

Mini auditório da Faculdade de Educação

N° vagas  70


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